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Learn how to create opportunities for personal testimony to support your cause, and how to deliver such testimony for maximum effect. |
This video highlights the power of personal testimony in the #IAmAPreexistingCondition video campaign.
Someone who gives personal testimony at a public hearing (such as community groups, church, non-profit groups, AA meetings, etc.) describes to decision-makers or the people in power how changes in a law or policy will impact his or her life. Our lives are affected every day in some way by the laws and policies of our federal, state, and local governments and their agencies. Our lives become better or worse as these regulations change or new ones go into effect. Luckily, before laws and policies can be altered, public hearings are often held to give citizens a chance to voice their support for or their concern about proposed changes. Of course, testimony also can be given in places other than public hearings. What we say can make a difference. This section tells you how to do it.
Personal testimony works because it provides a personal, first-hand account of how laws and policies have a real, daily impact on the average Joe. Often, policy makers are removed from the effects of their decisions and can't really know the harm or good they cause. Personal testimony gives those who are in power a more "human" perspective on how effective, ineffective, beneficial or problematic a policy is or could be for a community. Personal testimony can influence the passage, revision, or defeat of policies and regulations proposed by state or federal legislatures, county commissions, city councils, or school boards because it shows law makers how "average Americans" feel about the job elected officials are doing.
When you first find out about pending legislation or run up against a policy that you believe or know affects you, you have a gut reaction. You feel excited because this regulation may give you a break on taxes. Fantastic! Or you may be alarmed because the regulation will make it more expensive for you to take an ambulance to the hospital when you really need to. Uh-oh! Remember your gut reactions to this policy, because they will fire you up for your testimony. Before you step up to the podium to say your piece, you need more than just raw emotion. You've got to have substance. Or proof. You've got to prepare a testimony that talks about the actual or potential effects of a policy, not just about how you feel about it. Answer the following questions to help prepare yourself to face the lions!
Write down or record what really makes you happy or mad about this policy
Set aside 10 to 20 minutes to get your thoughts and feelings down on paper. When you start writing, don't stop, even if your grammar, spelling and organization are terrible. At this point, you don't care if your testimony looks pretty. It's always better to first think about what you want to say, and then write it down. Some people, however, like to write down their ideas as they come. Choose whatever style works for you, as long as your final copy has thought-out and clear ideas about what you want to say.
Reread and edit what you wrote
Take a break and come back in a little while. Now is when you should cross out bad spelling, poor sentence structures, and swear words. It's time to organize your thoughts. Practice reading out loud to get used to your voice delivering a speech, and get comfortable with the language you will be using.
Think about how this proposed policy change will help or hurt you and others
This is where you will make your point clear to decision-makers about the policy. Illustrate how the voters who elected them will benefit or not from the change in policy. Think about specific examples, present a story of yourself or someone you know related to the policy's impact. Talk to people that feel like you in the community and collect their stories.
Back up your emotional story with facts
Before you step up to speak your mind, you need more than just raw emotion. You need evidence or proof. Prepare a testimony that addresses the actual or potential effects of a policy, not just your feelings. For example, how will this decision, policy or regulation impact local groups or community groups? How will citizens be helped or harmed by it? What will this policy mean to the generations of children who will follow you? For instance, suppose a city commission decides to grant a tax break to a large discount business that plans to build a store in your town. Supposedly, the store will bring tons of new jobs to the area. However, you disagree. For you, this corporation is already very rich, and doesn't really need to save on a tax break. You believe that letting this discount corporation come into your town will kill the small, individual-owned business that help your neighbors and friends to earn their living. You must start your research. Collect data about this company, find out what is their profit and why they don't need the tax break. Find numbers, graphs, flow charts. Find information about what happened when other big corporations came to your community. Prepare a future projection study to evaluate the effects this company may have in your community in the future. Find out which specific business may close down if this corporation comes to town. Talk to their owners, get their numbers, too. Arm yourself with facts for any question you may be asked.
Write a conclusion
Sum up your testimony, hitting on the punch lines of your talk, that is, how this proposed regulation is good or bad. Find out how much time you will have available to speak, and trim your speech to that time frame. Personal testimonies normally last about two to three minutes, but there's much variation in this.
To whom are you speaking when you give your testimony?
Ultimately, you want to persuade law or decision makers to adopt your point of view. But you may want to stir up the fiery emotions of other citizens who can back up your claims and give you strength in numbers. Who will witness your testimony--just law makers, or community members as well? If you suspect that you'll draw a large crowd, it can't hurt to play up the emotional, human side of your testimony while you defend your position.
What do you know about the attitudes of decision-makers towards the proposed changes?
Even if a new policy or proposed changes will really make your life difficult, you may have a hard time convincing officials to reject the measure if they are true-blue supporters. Once you know what part(s) of the measure lawmakers are particularly attached to, maybe you can build your testimony around some 'weak link', or less popular aspect, of the proposal.
What are the responsibilities of committee members as office holders? Who are the people who elect them to office?
For example, suppose you want to give testimony to the school board on how important it is to provide instructional materials on family planning and contraception to school children. Consider what kind of voters live in that particular district. If your neighbors are dyed-in-the-wool conservatives, they may not like such a curriculum. You may have to be careful with the kind of arguments you present to the school broad and how strongly you voice your disagreement with whatever your neighbors say, or you may turn the decision makers against you !
What does the current policy say and how does it affect you?
In order for you to make a case for your viewpoint, you need to show how your life is right now because a certain policy does or doesn't exist. For example, you may be against an initiative that repeals that state mandate on safety belt use. Perhaps you can bring in pictures of your last auto accident in which you and your children would have been seriously injured had you all not been wearing your seat belts.Is there anything more effective than color photos?
What are the proposed changes and how will they impact your life?
Just as you may need to show how beneficial a policy is for you, you may need to show how harmful an existing policy could be for you and why proposed changes should be passed. For example, suppose you suffer from horrendous asthma and are always fighting off respiratory infections because the people with whom you work in city hall smoke like chimneys. One of your city commissioners just proposed a no smoking ban in all city buildings. How will the passage of this provision help you?
After you have found answers to these questions, prepare your testimony. This means writing out before hand what you want to say and what's at issue:
Online Resources
The Storybanking Guide was created by Community Catalyst to help others reach out to people in their area with compelling stories.
Storytelling, from Frameworks Institute, is designed to help advocates distinguish between more and less effective ways of establishing a narrative that sets up policy thinking.
Testifying Before Lawmakers provides a variety of resources including information on preparing your testimony, delivering your testimony, and distributing your testimony.
Video: How words change minds: The science of storytelling In his talk, Nat Kendall-Taylor, PhD, breaks down the science of framing for philanthropy and nonprofit communications. He explores how people think about social issues and how advocates, experts, and strategic communications professionals can use an understanding of culture, storytelling, and science to communicate about social and scientific issues, shape policy, and lead change.
Video: The power of the personal voice in media advocacy, from the Berkeley Media Studies Group, shares three steps that advocates can take to get better at articulating the problems in their communities and what can be done to address them.
What is advocacy? is from the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship
Print Resources
Seekins, T., & Fawcett., S. (no date) A guide for personal testimony: The art of using your personal experiences to influence policy decisions [Brochure]. Research and Training Center on Independent Living. Lawrence, KS.