Contingent Fee Basis: Negotiating Your Contingency Fee

Have you ever seen an advertisement on television with a confident attorney in a suit, promising that they “don’t get paid unless you do”? These ads sound extremely promising to many people who are facing legal situations–especially since the attorney is essentially talking about being paid on a contingency basis.

A contingency fee agreement is a form of billing that allows for an attorney to be paid a percentage of the damages awarded at the end of the case instead of an hourly rate. In contingency arrangements, the attorney agrees to take on the case without charging their regular hourly fees. In exchange, the attorney is paid a certain percentage of the damages that the client is awarded at the end of the case.

Depending on what state you’re in and the details of the agreement, contingency fees can range from 5% to 50% of the final award. However, the lawyer does not collect a fee if their client does not win their case. The attorney’s payment is dependent on, or “contingent” on winning the case.

While the lawyer does not receive their fees until the end of the case (and unless the case is won), the client may still be responsible for a few up-front fees related to work on the case. For example, the client may be responsible for court filing fees, discovery costs, expert witness fees, and other overhead fees in order to keep their case moving along.

  1. When are Contingency Fee Agreements Used?
  2. When are Contingency Fee Agreements Not Allowed?
  3. What are the Advantages of Using Contingency Fees?
  4. What are the Disadvantages of Using Contingency Fees?
  5. How Much Can a Lawyer Take in Contingency Fees?
  6. Can the Percentage or Amount of the Contingency Fee be Limited or Lowered by a Judge?
  7. Can you Negotiate the Contingency Fee?
  8. Should I Have a Lawyer Represent Me on a Contingency Fee Basis?

When are Contingency Fee Agreements Used?

Contingency fees are helpful in cases where a client is short on funds, but has an otherwise costly or complicated case. Civil litigation lawyers typically accept cases that present clear liability and a means to collect a judgment or settlement, such as through a defendant’s insurance policy. However, in cases where liability is not clear, or if the case is considered too risky, the attorney may not accept the case, even on a contingency basis.

Contingency fee agreements are most often used in civil cases like personal injury and workers’ compensation cases, although attorneys may accept work on a contingency basis in other circumstances, such as:

When are Contingency Fee Agreements Not Allowed?

Contingency fee arrangements can be helpful in some cases, especially when a client may need financial assistance. However, they are prohibited by law in certain cases. If the case is a clear-cut, obvious win, the lawyer should give the client a reasonable rate based on how much work will go into the case–doing otherwise may appear to be taking advantage of the client and the circumstances of the case.

Additionally, the rules of professional ethics prohibit attorneys from working on contingency in family law or criminal law cases, because this would appear to condone or even encourage divorce or criminal activity. Depending on the laws of your state, contingency fees may also be prohibited in immigration and bankruptcy cases, or in instances of drafting contracts, wills, trusts, or other legal documents.

What are the Advantages of Using Contingency Fees?

Contingency fee arrangements have several advantages for clients: