Remote Accessible Vote-By-Mail (RAVBM)

A Remote Accessible Vote by Mail (RAVBM) system allows voters to mark their selections using their own compatible technology to vote independently and privately in the comfort of their own home. To use a RAVBM system, a voter must:

How to Request RAVBM

A voter can request a RAVBM when they review their information on My Voter Status or by contacting their County Elections Office by phone, mail or email or by going to their County Elections Office website for more information.

How to Use RAVBM

A voter using RAVBM:

The vote-by-mail envelope being mailed to all Californians, includes punched holes that will help guide visually impaired voters where the signature is needed. However, if a voter is using their own envelope, they can sign anywhere on the outside of the envelope.

The Secretary of State’s Office currently has four certified RAVBM systems:

More Information

For more information, please visit our RAVBM FAQs (PDF) .

If you are a military or overseas voter or a voter with disabilities, contact your county elections office to learn about the conditional voter registration and voting options that are available to you.