Publication date 1955 Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0 Topics vacuum tube, RCA HB-3, cathode ray tube, oscillograph, kinescope, image orthicon, picture tube, vidicon, computer storage tube, iconoscope, phototube Collection opensource Item Size 833.4M
First two volumes of the RCA tube handbook HB-3, issued ca. 1945 (in one binder) and updated via periodic loose leaf insertions until the mid 1950s. Covers cathode ray tubes, kinescopes, assorted phototubes. From the introduction:
This handbook of data on all RCA tubes has been compiled to meet the requirements of electronic engineers for tube information which can be kept up-to-date. Its convenient, loose-leaf form permits the revision of data on existing tubes and the addition of data on new tubes as they are made available.
The material is arranged in sections with tabbed separators to facilitate quick reference. The general section contains a table of contents for the complete Handbook, a detailed explanation of tube ratings and typical operating conditions, tube outline drawings, base drawings, and other useful information concerning tubes. The other sections, indexed according to tube classes, contain ratings, characteristics, operating conditions, and curves for the many different tubes in those classes.
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