Investment Banking Networking Toolkit

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Here’s How To Get Your Foot In The Door For Investment Banking and Finance Interviews… Even If You Shudder When You Hear The Word “Networking”

The Investment Banking Networking Toolkit makes it easy to create valuable contacts and connections that will ease your way into a great job in Investment Banking, Private Equity, or Hedge Funds. Click here for the short course outline or read on for the full details…

What You Get — And What the
Investment Banking Networking Toolkit Will Do For You

The topics in The Investment Banking Networking Toolkit teach you everything you need to know to master the art of networking in investment banking and related fields in finance.

You’ll learn how to find names and contact information, how to plan your informational interviews, cold emails, and cold calls, and how to break into finance – without stressing yourself out or feeling “pushy.”

You’ll learn how to request, conduct, and follow-up on informational interviews, how to convert relationships into offers, how to cold email your way into Wall Street, how to rock your information sessions, and how to plan weekend trips that get you offers.

You get 37 video and audio files (8 hours of footage), along with email templates and scripts for the appropriate topics. Everything is presented in multiple formats, so you can watch, listen, or read, depending on your own learning style.

You can log in and use the site on your preferred device from anywhere in the world.

You get names and descriptions for 5,299+ investment banks, 15,887+ private equity firms, and 4,545+ hedge funds, organized by region (note: these include main phone numbers and email addresses/physical addresses but are not specific people at each firm).

Easily track your progress: As you move through the lessons, you can check off what you’ve completed and what’s still on your “to-do” list.

Get fast answers to all your questions: Our expert support team is standing by to answer any questions you have about the content for a full 5 years after purchase. You can get quick answers even if it's Christmas Day or New Year's, and you need to know how to respond to that one important email ASAP.

Access and Support: You'll get unlimited access to all the course files and 5 years of support/updates/video access.

Bonus Modules: You'll also get dozens of additional email templates for all things networking-related, lessons on how to set up an effective LinkedIn profile and use it for maximum impact, and networking success case studies from students who used the tactics in this course to break into investment banking and private equity.

Here’s What Customers Are Saying About
The Investment Banking Networking Toolkit

“I basically followed all the steps in the networking guide and my networking got me a ton of interviews.”

“Also, the Networking Toolkit is GOLD. It really shows me the line [between] effective networking and being straight-up creepy/annoying to strangers.”

“The Networking guide was simply invaluable. Quite frankly, it put me well ahead of peers on my course who had no idea how to network. It really felt like I possessed an edge over other candidates.”

“I just finished recruiting, ended up with six offers and signed with Citigroup M&A in NYC.”

“With your Networking Toolkit and financial modeling courses, I was able to land 2 investment banking internships and have another interview coming up.”

“As I mentioned, I had been doing informationals before starting with your guides, but after going through your networking guide, I noticed a marked improvement in my ability to conduct successful informationals.”

“The networking section has helped me secure interviews at every single firm recruiting on campus..”

“I especially recommend his Networking Toolkit… Brian’s course is extremely helpful in guiding you through the process and [setting] the correct expectations early on.”

“I also took advantage of your Networking course, which is worth it for the database alone.”

“The Networking Toolkit has helped me meet over 100 professionals here in Toronto and has translated into 5 interviews so far.”

“Your guide has proven to be immensely helpful from the technicals all the way to networking, as I have already secured an internship offer from a premier middle-market bank in Chicago.”

Take a Look at What You’ll Get
Immediately After Signing Up…

Module 1: Course Overview, Firm Database, and Networking Action Plans

In this introductory module, you’ll learn about the three main networking strategies covered in this course: informational interviews, cold emails, and cold calls. You’ll learn which strategy is useful in which situations, and you’ll get detailed action plans with timelines and suggested steps at each stage of the process.

This module also includes lists of thousands of investment banks, private equity firms, and hedge funds so that you can use the information to start your cold emailing or cold calling efforts.

Module 2: Informational Interviews

In this module, you’ll learn the step-by-step process for finding bankers, setting up informational interviews, following up on the interviews, and converting your networking efforts into real interviews.

In addition to dozens of email templates and several sample informational interviews from students and professionals, you’ll also get a tracking template you can use to manage your networking, and you’ll learn how to prepare for each conversation efficiently.

While networking does not “guarantee” real interviews, if you follow the steps outlined here, you stand a significantly higher chance of winning real interviews and job offers from banks.

Module 3: Cold Emails

In this module, you’ll learn the step-by-step process for using cold emails to request and win internships at smaller firms and large banks.

You’ll learn how to find banks and bankers, how to write the initial emails and follow up on them, how to convert these emails into phone calls, and how to prepare successfully for these “mini-interview” calls.

Finally, you’ll learn how to follow up on the calls and push the process toward actual interviews.

You’ll get dozens of email templates, four sample call transcripts, and a tracking template you can use to manage your cold-email efforts.

Module 4: Cold Calls

In this module, you’ll learn the step-by-step process for using cold calls to find and win internships at boutique investment banks.

Cold calling is not an effective strategy for most candidates, but it is useful in some contexts (e.g., for students without much experience who need an internship ASAP).

In these lessons, you’ll learn how to find firms and bankers, how to prepare for your calls, how to place the calls successfully and answer objections, and how to follow up afterward via the phone and email.

You’ll get a tracking template as well as sample cold calls and follow-up templates you can use in your cold-calling efforts.

Module 5: The Information Session Playbook

The lessons in this module will teach you how to use investment banking information sessions to meet bankers and improve your chances of winning interviews and offers.

Information sessions can be useful or even required in some cases, but they tend to be more of an “optional” strategy because in real life, it’s often difficult to get bankers’ attention at these sessions and make yourself stand out.

You’ll learn how to decide whether these sessions might be useful for you and how to plan for them and conduct yourself around bankers and other students.

You’ll also get email templates for contacting bankers afterward, setting up informational interviews, thanking them, and making your requests.

Module 6: Weekend Trips

This module will teach you how to conduct weekend trips, also known as in-person networking trips, to win investment banking interviews and offers.

You’ll start by learning when, why, and how weekend trips are useful, and then you’ll get several email templates and examples that you can use to request meetings and set up these trips.

Then, you’ll see an actual trip schedule with explanations of the geography and timing, and you’ll get two example transcripts of in-person meetings during these trips (with commentary about what each candidate did right and wrong).

Finally, you’ll get several follow-up email templates and examples you can use to thank the bankers you met and make additional requests.

It’s All Here: Lessons, Videos, Templates, Guides, Q&A,
Tracking, and More

Here’s a look inside the Investment Banking Networking Toolkit so you can see for yourself exactly what you’ll get:

UI screenshot

Bonus Modules: Land Internships
and Jobs with Email, LinkedIn, and More

This is where the rubber meets the road – if you showcase your experience
in the right way to the right people, your chances of success increase substantially.
In these bonus modules, you’ll get time-saving, confidence-building information
you won’t find anywhere else.

BONUS #1: Done-For-You Email Templates for Winning Interviews, Internships, and Jobs

Sure, anyone can “write an email,” but can you write emails that get results in the form of higher response rates, interviews, and job offers? Most students cannot – but our Done-For-You Email Templates will give you exactly what you need, including:

BONUS #2: LinkedIn Power Strategies For Investment Banking

Quickly expand your network, develop a strong online presence, and reach out to the professionals who can make things happen for you. These real-life examples show you exactly how to use LinkedIn to accelerate your success, including lessons on:

BONUS #3: IB Networking Success Case Studies

The best way to find success is to follow in the footsteps of students and professionals who have already achieved it. These case studies include real-life stories of networking success at the undergraduate, recent graduate, and MBA levels. You’ll see the exact sequences of events, emails, calls, and other exchanges that led to job offers in the following case studies:

And Here's the Full Run-Down of Everything You Get In the Investment Banking Networking Toolkit.

You get 37 video/audio files (8 hours of footage), along with email templates, executed examples, and sample calls with commentary and analysis:

Plus Expert Support from Experienced
Investment Banking Professionals

Just moments after you enroll, you’ll receive Instant Access to the entire course.

Everything is delivered online, so there’s no waiting for materials to arrive by mail.

But that’s not the best part…

The best part is expert support for a full 5 years after purchase!

If there’s anything at all you don’t understand or need to clarify, go to the “Question/Comment” area below each and every lesson and ask your question there.

These comments are monitored and responded to by our expert support team – every one of whom has personal experience working on deals at investment banks, private equity firms, or other finance firms.

So, you’ll get responses from people with deep experience in the field.

This personalized, expert support is one of the things that sets Breaking Into Wall Street apart and gets you to your goals faster.

You can often learn just as much from reading other customers’ questions and our responses as you will from the lessons themselves!

What’s Your Investment in the Investment
Banking Networking Toolkit

When I was putting the final touches on the Investment Banking Networking Toolkit, the time came to decide what the price would be.

As a banker, I thought the best place to start was checking the market and seeing what comparable products were being sold for.

The closest products only had some of the features of the Investment Banking Networking Toolkit and were just lists of banks, hedge funds, and other investment firms.

And here’s the really unbelievable part…

NONE of these products gives you anything more than just a list of names! There’s no video-based training, no scripts and templates, and no updates with expert support and access to hundreds of previous Q&As.

In finance, companies that outperform their peers are valued at a premium to their competitors. So, I could reasonably say, “Well, you get more contact information plus a ton of other stuff and access to our expert support team… so our guide should be significantly more expensive.”

But everyone has to start somewhere.

From working with clients and seeing firsthand what it takes to get into banking – and from having to jump through hoops to get in myself years ago – I know what it requires, and I know how tough it is to get your foot in the door and then to ace your interviews.

I wouldn’t wish that hard slog on anybody, so I’ve decided to make this course affordable and accessible for as many people as possible.

So, I’ve set the price of the Investment Banking Networking Toolkit at just $147.

When you look at what else is out there, it’s easy to see why it represents the highest-value industry-specific networking training available anywhere in the world today.

$147 Is The Price… But What Could
This Toolkit Be Worth To You?

The pay for entry-level investment banking jobs varies from year to year, but it’s safe to say that you’ll make at least $150,000 – $200,000 USD as an Analyst right out of university.

At the MBA level, that climbs to $300,000 – $400,000, and as you move up, your salary only gets higher and higher — but let’s focus on the entry level for now.

By investing $147 in the Investment Banking Networking Toolkit, you’re setting yourself up for a job that pays at least $150,000 — that’s over a 1000x return on investment (Good luck getting that in the stock market!).

Even if this Toolkit only helps you win an internship, you’re still looking at around $15,000 USD at a large bank – an ROI of over 100x.

You could pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for some partial contact information elsewhere… or waste hundreds of hours attempting to contact bankers without templates or clear guidance on what to do…

But why bother when you get a much higher ROI with the Investment Banking Networking Toolkit?

Add To Cart
Includes $100 worth of free bonuses
100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee

A Simple Choice.

If you’ve come this far, you’re serious about giving yourself the best possible chance of landing the internship or full-time role that will kick start your finance career.

And you also know that networking skills come naturally to just a small handful of people. The rest of us may need a little help to level the playing field.

Networking is THE key to winning interviews and advancing in the industry: it’s the difference between a lucrative career at prestigious firms like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, KKR, and Blackstone… and the back office.

Sure, you could “wing it,” hope for the best, and take a huge risk with your future, even though you know you’re competing against students with perfect grades from Harvard or Oxbridge – who might also have family connections and a built-in networking advantage…

You can be prepared to dominate the competition, gain an unfair advantage, and network your way to the top by investing in the Investment Banking Networking Toolkit.

I know you’ll make the right choice so that you start landing six-figure job offers at investment banks, private equity firms, and other finance firms – the kinds of places that might even make your friends a little jealous when they hear about your success!

Click here now to gain Instant Access to the Investment Banking Networking Toolkit. It comes with our famous money-back guarantee, so you have zero risk – only upside.

To YOUR success,

Brian DeChesare
Breaking Into Wall Street Founder

P.S. You’ll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to apply all of these networking techniques. Gain Instant Access to the Secure Members’ Area now, and you’ll receive an email with login instructions within a few short minutes…

And just in case this Toolkit isn’t everything I say it is, you’re covered by our no-questions-asked, 100% risk-free money-back guarantee. So, you have nothing to lose and a rewarding career in finance to gain.


What’s even better than the Networking Toolkit? The Networking Toolkit + Interview Guide Bundle!

With The Networking Toolkit + Interview Guide Bundle, you get these two components:

(Including all bonuses, expert support, immediate access, and a 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee on everything…) all for just $244 (savings of $100 ). These two products work great together, and I promise you – they will never be offered at a lower price than this.

Installment Plans Available (Pay in 4 Monthly Installments)

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